Online participation
Some sessions will take place in a hybrid format. This applies to all Plenary Sessions, the Panel Discussion, the Special Session and all A and B Sessions. (See the program overview here)
As online participation tool we will use Big Blue Button (MLUConf). Please, read the technical instructions below.
Hints for finding the online conference rooms
To get access to the links of the online conference rooms, you have to be logged in to ConfTool and registered as conference participant. You can still register until 29 May here.
The links to the online conference rooms can be found in the conference agenda in ConfTool. The links to the online conference room will be accessible one hour before the conference will start.
To open the links to the online conference rooms we highly recommend to use Google Chrome or Firefox.
Hints for using the online conference rooms
The browser window now opens the entrance to the online conference room. Please enter your full name when entering the room.
A test room has been set up for the MLUconf platform, which you can access via this link: You can familiarise yourself with the functionalities here before the conference begins.
Here you can find further technical instructions. We especially recommend all presenters who will not be presenting at IAMO to read the notes and try out the test room before the conference starts.